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Basic clinical pathology

Clinical pathology can aid the clinician reach a diagnosis. While most tests normally fall within a certain range, it is not uncommon for some values to differ slightly between individuals, and therefore to find one or more parameter slightly out of the normal range values. All biochemistry and haematology values must be hence be interpreted in light of the clinical picture and not as a standalone factor.

Things to bare in mind when collecting/submitting a sample for basic clinical pathology testing:

Sample collection: Blood samples must be collected into appropriate sterile and vacuum containers. Potassium EDTA is the anticoagulant for haematology. Lithium heparin is not suitable for this purpose, because it does not permit differential white cell counting. Samples for blood biochemistry testing can be collected into heparinised or plain tubes for either plasma or serum biochemistry respectively. Coagulation studies and the modified Clauss method of measurement the acute phase protein fibrinogen can only be carried out using sodium citrate containers.

Sample technique: Samples should be collected aseptically and without inducing stress or pain to the animal, which could otherwise run the risk of creating misleading artefacts as a result of adrenal induced neutrophilia and splenic contraction.

Timing and handling of sampling: samples should be taken at the time of the disease and be delivered as soon as possible to the laboratory, to avoid misleading artefacts. Samples should be labelled clearly and samples are best preserved in an insulated lightproof container (e.g. a household cold pack), especially in hot climates.

Biochemistry Normal values for horses

Parameter Normal range
ALB 2.5 - 4.2 g/dL
ALKP 109 - 315 U/L
ALT 3 - 25 U/L
AMYL < 30 U/L
AST 205 - 555 U/L
BUN 8 - 27 mg/dL
Ca 10.7 - 13.4  mg/dL
Ionized Ca 50 - 60% of total Ca
CHOL 51 - 109 mg/dL
Ck 90 565 U/L
Cl 94 - 102 mmol/L
CO2 24 - 31 mmol/L
CREA 0.6 - 1.8 mg/dL
GGT 12 - 45 U/L
GLU 72 - 114 mg/dL
K 2.7 - 4.9 mmol/L
LDH 520 - 1480 U/L
LIPA 460 - 870 U/L
Mg 1.6 - 2.5 mg/dL
Na 132 - 141 mmol/L
PHOS 1.9 - 5.4 mg/dL
TBIL 0.1 - 1.9 mg/dL
TP 4.6 - 6.9 g/dL
TRIG 11 - 59 mg/dL
URIC < 0.5 mg/dL

Haematology Normal Values for Horses

Parameter Normal value range
WBC 5,500- 12,500 / cubic mm
Lymphocyte 1500-5500 / cubic mm or 25-70%
Segmented Neutrophil 2700 - 6700 / cubic mm or 30 - 65%
Bands 0 - 100 / cubic mm or 0 - 2%
Monocyte 0 - 800 / cubic mm or 0.5 - 7%
Eosinophil 0 - 925 / cubic mm or 0 - 11%
Basophil 0 - 170 / cubic mm or 0 - 3%
PCV 32 - 52%
Platelets 100,000 - 600,000 / cubic mm
Hemoglobin 11 - 19 g/dL
Fibrinogen 200 - 450 mg/dL

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